Faculty & Guest Speakers

Discover the Faculty of the LL.M. AWArDS
- Malik LAAZOUZI, Professor of Law, Panthéon-Assas University
- Marie-Élodie ANCEL, Professor of Law, Panthéon-Assas University
- Gary F. BELL, National University of Singapore, Director of the LL.M. in International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution, visiting Professor of Law, Panthéon-Assas University
- Jean-Sébastien BORGHETTI, Professor of Law, Panthéon-Assas University
- Coralie DARRIGADE, Partner, GBS Disputes
- Noor DAVIES, Partner, White & Case LLP
- Fabrice FAGES, Partner and Chair of the Paris Litigation & Trial Department at Latham & Watkins
- Anton de FEUARDENT, Economic and Financial Expert, Fair Links
- Alexis FOUCARD, Counsel, Clifford Chance
- Clément FOUCHARD, Partner, Reed Smith
- Laurence FRANC-MENGET, Partner, Herbert Smith Freehills
- José Manuel GARCÍA REPRESA, Partner, Wordstone Dispute Resolution
- Jacques-Alexandre GENET, Partner, Archipel
- Marie GORÉ, Professor of Law, Panthéon-Assas University
- Simon GREENBERG, Partner, Clifford Chance
- Jacob GRIERSON, Partner, Anima Dispute Resolution
- Marc HENRY, Partner, FTMS Avocats, Doctor in Law, President of the French Arbitration Association
- Jean-Christophe HONLET, Honlet Legum Arbitration
- Raphaël KAMINKSY, Partner, Teynier Pic
- Elie KLEIMAN, Partner, Jones Day
- Dr. Assimakis KOMNINOS, Partner, White and Case (Brussels)
- Malik LAAZOUZI, Professor of Law, Panthéon-Assas University
- Karen LAÏK, Senior Associate, Clifford Chance
- Jacques LEVY VÉHEL, founder of Case Law Analytics
- François MAILHÉ, Professor of Law, University of Picardie – Jules Verne
- Fernando MANTILLA-SERRANO, Partner, Latham & Watkins LLP
- André MARINI, Senior associate, GBS disputes
- Yasmin MOHAMMAD, Head of International Arbitration – Vanin Capital
- Alexis MOURRE, Independent arbitrator, former President of the ICC International Court of Arbitration
- Arnaud de NANTEUIL, Professor of Law, University of Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC)
- Diana PARAGUACUTO-MAHÉO, Partner, Foley Hoag LLP
- Natasha PETER, Counsel, Gide Loyrette Nouel
- Andrew PLUMP, Counsel, Linklaters LLP
- Peter ROSHER, Partner, Reed Smith
- Noah RUBINS QC, Partner, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
- Shaparak SALEH, Partner, Teynier Pic
- Eduardo SILVA ROMERO, Partner, Dechert (Paris) LLP
- Gisèle STEPHENS-CHU, Stephens Chu Dispute Resolution
- Patrick THIEFFRY, Independent arbitrator
- Catharine TITI, Research Associate Professorat CNRS
- Edouard TREPPOZ, Professor of Law, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University
- Annet van HOOFT, Independent Arbitrator and Counsel
- Pierre VIGUIER, Senior Associate, GBS Disputes
- Roland ZIADÉ, Partner, Linklaters LLP