
The history of Panthéon-Assas University spans the centuries, bearing values that the entire university community continues to honour to this day. Achievement in excellence and respect for people, freedom of thought, attachment to the institution and its traditions, all of which nourish the sense of identity and belonging to the university.
As a direct heir to the Faculty of Law and Economics of Paris, Panthéon-Assas University is proud to maintain its prestigious heritage and to guarantee the continuity of the highly symbolic places where French law was born. With its teaching and research always innovative and at the highest level, today's university pays homage to all those who have made its history, thinking of the generations to come. It continues to keep the law alive and evolving, in complementarity with economics and management sciences, political science, and information and communication sciences.
Every year, Panthéon-Assas University welcomes around 2,500 foreign students and nearly 200 visiting professors. The LL.M. AWArDS will continue this tradition of welcoming students from all over the world attracted by the knowledge of international arbitration law and dispute resolution.
Students at Panthéon-Assas University have access to 28 different libraries, including the library with the most important legal documentary collection in France. There, LL.M. AWArDS’ students will also have access to rich online databases and research tools dedicated to international arbitration and dispute settlement.
Students who wish to do so have the possibility to practice one or more sports. A wide range of activities (over 60 athletic activities) supervised by 13 specialist teachers is available to them. They are spread over 195 time slots (from 8:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday and on Saturday from 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.) and are accessible whatever the level of practice.
Courses will mostly take place in the heart of the Saint-Germain-des-Prés District, at the Institut de droit comparé (28 rue Saint-Guillaume). Students will also have the opportunity to be hosted for certain courses in the Law firms of some of the teaching staff members.
Of course, free Wi-Fi access is provided around campus.