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Accueil - Presentation - Specialization courses & Case studies

Specialization courses & Case studies

Specialization courses & Case studies

The specialization courses will enable students to acquire a detailed understanding of the various types of disputes arising in main sectors of activity, as well as the knowledge necessary for their settlement through arbitration or, where appropriate, through international litigation. Those courses will also offer an opportunity to focus on certain core issues from a procedural point of view in international arbitration or investment proceedings (evidence, complex proceedings, etc.). These specializations courses are based on a more practical approach in order to examine the methods, sources and main difficulties encountered in the field.

Fall Semester

Energy/Mining Disputes I - 10 hours
Noah RUBINS KC, Partner, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
Arnaud de NANTEUIL, Professor of Law, University of Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC)

Construction and Engineering Disputes – 10 hours
Laurence FRANC-MENGET, Partner, Herbert Smith Freehills

Sport Disputes - 10 hours
Pierre VIGUIER, Senior Associate, GBS Disputes

Competition Disputes - 10 hours
Dr. Assimakis KOMNINOS, Partner, White and Case (Brussels)
Philippe COLEMAN, Professor of Law, Bretagne-Sud University

Evidence in Arbitration Proceedings - 10 hours
Simon GREENBERG, Partner, Clifford Chance
Alexis FOUCARD, Counsel, Cliffort Chance
Karen LAÏK, Senior Associate, Cliffort Chance

Assessing Damages in International Arbitration - 10 hours
Jean-Sébastien BORGHETTI, Professor of Law, Panthéon-Assas University
Anton de FEUARDANT, Economic and Financial Expert, Fair Links

Complex Arbitration Proceedings - 10 hours
Jean-Christophe HONLET, Partner, Honlet Legum Arbitration
François MAILHÉ, Professor of Law, University of Picardie – Jules Verne

Spring Semester

M&A Disputes - 10 hours
Coralie DARRIGADE, Partner, GBS Disputes
André MARINI, Senior associate, GBS Disputes

Company Law disputes - 10 hours
Fabrice FAGES, Partner and Chair of the Paris Litigation & Trial Department at Latham & Watkins LLP

Energy/Mining Disputes II - 10 hours
José Manuel GARCÍA REPRESA, Partner, Wordstone Dispute Resolution

Environment and Climate Disputes - 10 hours
Patrick THIEFFRY, Independent arbitrator

Intellectual Property Disputes - 10 hours
Annet van HOOFT, Independent Arbitrator and Counsel
Edouard TREPPOZ, Professor of Law, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University

Human Rights and Corporate Social Responsibility - 10 hours
Laurence FRANC-MENGET, Partner, Herbert Smith Freehills
Jean-Baptiste RACINE, Professor of Law, Panthéon-Assas University

Third Party Funding - 10 hours
Raphaël KAMINSKY, Partner, Teynier Pic
Yasmin MOHAMMAD – Head of International Arbitration - Fortress Investment Group